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Awakening Albion / Jane Bottomley, Sarah Bowen, Jonathan How, And so on

by 융커 2023. 5. 15.

 이 글은 미숙하고 방황하던 20대를 보내며, 써놓은 독후감입니다. 블로그로 옮기면서 교정과 수정, 편집을 거쳤으나, 특별한 통찰이나 교훈을 담고 있지는 않습니다. 그냥 편하게 봐주시길 바랍니다. 

책 소개

Awakening Albion
Awakening Albion

본문 내용 및 감상

 Nice. I got a strange experience. When I open this book with eating a fish and chip in Glastonebury, the page in this book was Glastonebury. I red this book for making my english better. It was very good. I realize again that not translation is very important. I hope that My english become wonderful!

